Expo 2005 Aichi
Catégorie : Spécialisé
Pays : Japon
Ouverture : 25 mars 2005
Clôture : 25 septembre 2005
Pays participants : 121
Visites : 22 049 544
Superficie du site : 173 ha (427,5 acres)
Image : © 2005. Urso Chappell .

Tenu dans les collines orientales de Nagoya, au Japon, dans les banlieues de Nagakute et de Seto, le site de l'Expo 2005 Aichi a été créé de telle sorte que la plupart des terres seraient ensuite rendues à leur parc d'origine. La majeure partie du site boisé n'était pas perturbée et les visiteurs se déplaçaient en gondole ou en bus entre deux sites distincts.
Le Global Loop, une structure surélevée sur le site de Nagakute, a fourni une passerelle piétonne entre différentes zones qui représentaient diverses régions géographiques de la planète.
Le Japon avait déjà accueilli l'Expo '70 d'Osaka, l'Expo '75 d'Okinawa et l'Expo '85 de Tsukuba.
Expo 1986 Vancouver was held at Expo Centre, a 60-acre site located in downtown Vancouver, and attracted over 22 million visitors during its six-month run. It featured over 60 participating countries and numerous corporate sponsors and international organizations and included exhibits on transportation and communication technology, as well as live entertainment, cultural performances, and educational workshops.
One of the main attractions of the exposition was the Transportation Zone, which featured a variety of exhibits and demonstrations focused on transportation technology and innovation. This included displays of advanced vehicles and aircraft, as well as interactive exhibits on topics such as space travel and transportation safety.
The Communication Zone was another popular attraction at Expo 1986 Vancouver, featuring exhibits on the history and future of communication technology. This included displays on the development of the telegraph, radio, and television, as well as demonstrations of cutting-edge communication technologies such as satellite and computer networking.
In addition to the main exhibits, Expo 1986 Vancouver featured a variety of other attractions and events, including live entertainment, cultural performances, and educational workshops. There were also a number of dining and shopping options available on the exposition grounds, as well as numerous recreational activities and games.
Overall, Expo 1986 Vancouver was a highly successful event that attracted visitors from around the world and helped to promote the city of Vancouver as a major international destination. It was a showcase of innovation and progress in the fields of transportation and communication, and it left a lasting legacy in the city.