Expo 1855 Paris
Category: Pre BIE
Country: France
Opening: May 15, 1855
Closing: November 15, 1855
Participating countries: 28
Visits: 5,162,330
Site Area: 15.2 ha (37.6 acres)
Image: Public domain.

Officially named the Exposition Universelle des produits de l'Agriculture, de l'Industrie et des Beaux-Arts de Paris 1855, it was the first of several expositions held in Paris.
Like London's 1851 event, the first French expo featured an impressive range of industrial, commercial, and agricultural exhibits, but the French—determined to outclass their northern rivals—expanded on the model by making fine arts more of a focal point, as well.
Paris would later hold expositions in 1867, 1878, 1889, 1900, and 1937. To date, it has hosted more official expos than any other city.